Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics

(8 customer reviews)

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Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics is designed for pre-service or in-service teachers.  It combines up-to-date technology and research with a vibrant writing style to help teachers grasp curriculum, teaching, and assessment issues as they relate to secondary and middle school mathematics.  The fourth edition offers a balance of theory and practice, including a wealth of examples and descriptions of student work, classroom situations, and technology usage to assist any teacher in visualizing high-quality mathematics instruction in the middle and secondary classroom.

8 reviews for Teaching Secondary and Middle School Mathematics

  1. kamanng

    I learned a lot from this book but its really expensive. Some pages are bent but it is still great condition.

  2. Sarah

    I purchased this book as a supplemental resource for my doctoral program. The book provided the information I needed for my comps exam. I would recommend it to those interested in secondary mathematics.

  3. user123

    a good book.

  4. Ashlynd Brown

    Very good

  5. Erik A.

    as advertised.

  6. saodat z.

    Excellent source of information. I have found this book very useful for beginnig math teachers.

  7. Boris


  8. LINA

    I don’t even remember that I bought it. I have two books then…anyway all good

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