Mindset Mathematic (9 books)

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Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques

The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics concepts. In this volume, you’ll find a collection of low floor, high ceiling tasks that will help you do just that, by looking at the big ideas at the first-grade level through visualization, play, and investigation.

During their work with tens of thousands of teachers, authors Jo Boaler, Jen Munson, and Cathy Williams heard the same message―that they want to incorporate more brain science into their math instruction, but they need guidance in the techniques that work best to get across the concepts they needed to teach. So the authors designed Mindset Mathematics around the principle of active student engagement, with tasks that reflect the latest brain science on learning. Open, creative, and visual math tasks have been shown to improve student test scores, and more importantly change their relationship with mathematics and start believing in their own potential. The tasks in Mindset Mathematics reflect the lessons from brain science that:

  • There is no such thing as a math person – anyone can learn mathematics to high levels.
  • Mistakes, struggle and challenge are the most important times for brain growth.
  • Speed is unimportant in mathematics.
  • Mathematics is a visual and beautiful subject, and our brains want to think visually about mathematics.

With engaging questions, open-ended tasks, and four-color visuals that will help kids get excited about mathematics, Mindset Mathematics is organized around nine big ideas which emphasize the connections within the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and can be used with any current curriculum.

Books in this series (9 books):

Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential through Creative Mathematics, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching (Mindset Mathematics)

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade K

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 1

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 2

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 3

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 5

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 6

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 7

Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 8

69 reviews for Mindset Mathematic (9 books)

  1. James C Brown

    This resource offers a way to incorporate visual strategies with mathematics. However, the book is also useful in developing speaking and listening skills, art, science, engineering, technology, and writing. There are patterns in everything around us. Jo Boaler, Jen Munson, and Kathy Williams have collectively assembled a series of research based approaches to how the brain works and learns. This is one well thought out resource that delivers. I highly recommend this book.

  2. yusuf afacan

    It is mainly written for the teacher. I guess also help for someone who is doing homeschooling.

  3. book lover

    Good resource. Many of the ideas and activities are also free on her the YouCubed website

  4. Sarah Kate

    Looks good. I am looking forward to using it with my students. It needs more teacher directions and examples of what I should be looking for.

  5. Sian Curley

    This is a brilliant book, it has got me buzzing about teaching maths. I teach multi-composite age 7-11 with a wide range of abilities. The activities in this book are very open-ended so mixed age or stage groups can work together really effectively. I can’t wait for the 5th grade one to come out!

  6. Dave

    This book is a great way to add high ceiling low floor tasks to your classroom. The organization that the authors provide around big ideas at the grade level can really help your students see the bigger picture.

  7. Wendy Sheridan-Smith

    Another great resource from Jo Boalar; lots of practical ideas and supporting links
    Lots of writing, not an user friendly read but worth reading. I’m a dip in and out reader so this style is one I struggle with as it is not designed for my sport of reading – lots of gems to find in there.

  8. Sara Ballard

    I love this book! It has many ideas that you can find on the youcubed.com website but they are layed out in such a nice, user-friendly format! I recommended my principal to get for all the grade levels that they are made for so far (3-5 grades.)

  9. Sealy Bell

    I can’t say enough about how great Jo Boaler’s Investigating Big Ideas series is. The activities will really transform both your maths classroom and- more importantly- your students’ achievement in, and relationship to, mathematics. I had so many notes from parents and students this past May telling me how much this year of math activities had changed their student’s mindset and turned the from being “not a math person” into a lover of maths!! HIGHLY recommend!!

  10. mimi d

    This book is easy to follow and offers out of the box thinking for my son. He loves the challenge and I love the conversations we have when we do the problems!

  11. sharon

    I purchased this book after seeing Jo Boaler speak. I have read it throughly and started using activities in my classroom. All of my students love learning math using growth mindset and are excelling regardless of their level, disability, or language. I am waiting patiently for the grade 6 book due to come out in January 2019.

  12. E. Campbell

    I’m a huge fan of buying books that actually engage me as a teacher and students in my room. This book is truly connected to standards and is easy to use with our curriculum. Students enjoy these extensions. I relish the support with meaningful tasks that truly build character, math knowledge, use multiple entry points, and support differentiation.

  13. dara dascoli

    Super easy to follow. I was able to do these tasks without much planning as it’s laid out clearly.

  14. PNutt

    I love that this book is only 5th grade. It gives you a different perspective and great ideas of how to introduce and teach concepts. I can read a chapter and walk away with a ton of ideas to incorporate in the classroom immediately.

  15. Bee in NC

    The level of difficulty was greater than I expected. This seemed more suitable for middle school classes — and teachers who have a greater block of time needed with their students in order to assemble and discuss the work. More “answers” would have also been helpful in order to help the students (and me!) verify their work.

  16. Lynette Harper

    Easy to use. Multi grade applicable.

  17. Saffron

    It’s a lovely book, obviously geared for the American curriculum, so you have to pick and choose if you’re working in a non-American school. The activities are well structured, there’s a variety of ideas and suggestions for support/further development. Furthermore, the tips for what to be aware of alongside aspects of children’s learning and understanding are really useful. The authors’ style of writing is clear and easy to follow, making it very useful for those whose university days are a long way back! I would have liked to see the specific learning objectives at the start of each activity, as this would open it up for teachers working outside of the US school system.

  18. Alison

    Excellent resources for teaching math at a great price!

  19. Michelle

    This is a must-have for the classroom and you cannot beat the price. This is a fantstic resource with incredible activities that are engaging! Do not pass this up.

  20. EducatedBookFreak<span class="a-icon a-profile-verified-badge"><span class="a-profile-verified-text"></span></span>

    When I ordered this book, I was investigating into Growth Mindset. When I found this book, I thought I would give it at try. This book really opened my eyes to a different type of math curriculum. I would highly recommend this book to anyone where students are having difficulty learning at grade level. I was very pleased with this buy!!

  21. David G. Bories

    This book has some very clever activities. We are testing some of the ideas for Algebra now. Ms. Boaler says that almost all students will respond to the activities and that is what we are hoping.

  22. JL

    I couldn’t love Jo Boaler/you cube more! The visual math approach and creative side of math have helped my kids to live math. This book helps bring more fun with math to our family. My kids often tell me: I don’t like the boring math they teach in school – let’s do the fun math that I really can understand and we find in life around us. This approach really helps them understand the why behind how math works.

  23. TQ

    I love the way of teaching with Boaler

  24. AO

    Love her books, have all the grade levels. Great things you can take immediately into the classroom

  25. Anthony

    I enjoy Jo’s theory and reasoning provided for lessons. Book is split up into different “big ideas”, similar to Marian Small, however carries a different tone. Activities and lesson sequences are all decent (haven’t used them all). All are multi-strand and hit on the different learning styles experienced in a classroom.

    Only thing that has been brought up between myself and some other teachers is thsr the different grades are very similar. It wouldn’t be beneficial for me to purchase the 4 or the 5 as many of the tasks are the same.

  26. RobinA

    Some of the pages were cut wrong but the pages are readable. Love this author.

  27. Ryan and Valerie Smith

    I love Jo Boaler’s unique way of introducing concepts through curiosity and game play. Most of the lessons are easy to read through and implement. I am a gifted math teacher, and I buy the year ahead for my students.

  28. Jennifer Rivera

    I purchased this book for a masters class for geometry. Math is not my strongest subject but this book was really good. I actually enjoyed the introduction and the chapter I was assigned. I highly recommend it for Geometry teachers grades 8th or 9th.

  29. Angie H. Wade

    This book is a wonderful supplement to the math curriculum. It contains lesson plans that make mathematics real for the students.

  30. C. Norvell

    This is a wonderful product. I’m a math tutor and I love having a tool that helps me help my students gain a deeper conceptual understanding. Most of the tasks are designed for group work and I have no problem adapting for individuals. Overall a great tool!

  31. Maggie Williams Flint

    Everyone who has kids or teaches needs to read this

  32. kirstin<span class="a-icon a-profile-verified-badge"><span class="a-profile-verified-text"></span></span>

    So good for math teachers!! It is aligned to the curriculum Engage New York and Eureka. All of the big ideas fit easily into an adopted curriculum. Highly engaging activities!!!

  33. Dana Pietrangelo

    I love this approach to teaching math. It is a complete change from the way a lot of schools do things, but if you work somewhere you are allowed freedom in your instruction, I really recommend this. The focus of this book is put on brain science and how kids can really learn math and understand concepts. It also prioritizes that ALL students can learn math and how to best implement tasks that all students can access and become successful.

  34. Annee15

    Great resource.

  35. Maths Advice On Your Device (Youtube|Facebook|Twitter)

    Visualising Maths is the clue! Jo has a huge imagination when it comes to Maths activities. She allows students time to invertigate and to verbalize the things that they notice. Jo and others have inspired me to start my own Youtube channel to contribute to this idea: visualising Maths is the clue!

  36. JP

    I love this book. We have worked with a number of the activities in our math class. It engages minds and imaginations. The activities truly do have a “high ceiling and a low floor”. They work for everyone. Worth a try.

  37. A. Thomas

    Although I retired, I like this teaching method – it makes sense. I shared these books with friends from the school.

  38. Romance Junkie

    I have had the opportunity to see Jo Boaler in person. She is a dynamic speaker and their results speak for themselves.

  39. Vonda

    This is an excellent math program for extending students’ thinking about mathematics. I’m using it with gifted students, but it is good instruction for all students.

  40. Kate

    Great activities to encourage multidimensional math. Used it right away!

  41. Leslie M Johnson

    Jo Boaler’s research has proven time and again that all students can learn mathematics. It is not an elite subject. Use this material as an engaging way to involve and immerse students in the beauty of maths.

  42. Heather Ross

    Totally worth the time and price. If you are a Jo Boaler fan, this book is a great supplement to the training.

  43. Hannah G

    I’ve used a few activities in this book as pre-cursors to introducing new math concepts. I can’t use them completely to fidelity as outlined in the book because we have a math program in my school, but I can see how valuable it would be to a classroom teacher with a lot of freedom in resources. I have also used it as enrichment activities for those students who need a bit of a challenge.

    I think what could make this resource better is having it spiral bound, or having online PDFs of the color resources available. Making duplicates is challenging out of this book, because some masters go all the way to the edge. There also could be a bit more guidance as to how to differentiate the lessons to the entire class.

  44. laurap

    Adoro l’autrice e sto comprando tutti i libri della serie. Però i contenuti dei vari livelli tendono a sovrapporsi, quindi trovo le stesse attività su più libri. Preferirei che ogni libro descrivesse attività sempre diverse, per non avere doppioni.

  45. Ashley Mendes

    Loved this item!

  46. L Madere

    These projects are amazing. I love prepping for them and my students love doing them. We shared them with parents and other teachers during conferences and the parents were very impressed. The projects supplement our standards well.

  47. VZ112311

    This book is amazing! I love the learning philosophy and the activities are interesting and engaging for my third grader. It helps me try to replicate what my child is missing by no longer being at school during this pandemic… investigative, experiential, fun learning… and not just watching online lectures and filling out worksheets. Yes, the book is written for teachers in a classroom setting, but the lessons are easy to implement at home. None of the actual activities require a group. The lessons do require a lot of discussion, which you must do with your child. This is not a book you can give your child to work on independently.

  48. Lise M Neeedham

    Provides solid tasks and ideas for teachers to think about student learning and understanding

  49. Jeannine T.

    I bought two other books in this series. Very good books. The parent or teacher needs to be involved while working through the book.

  50. Jeannine T.

    It’s a great book but just know that you as the parent or teacher have to stay continuously involved while you work through the book

  51. Erin

    Love, love, love all the fantastic hands on lessons in this book! I can’t wait to try them with my students this coming school year!

  52. Bonnie B

    I love these low floor/high ceiling activities. I use them whenever I want to increase engagement and understanding of my “regular” lessons.

  53. Jessica Davis

    A really nice book! It has helped me to understand how to approach math with my child! Overall, I recommend!

  54. Mel

    These books are wonderful. We are using them as a homeschool supplement, with some adaptations. They provide a great framework for delving deeper into topics and truly engaging with the math.

  55. Debi

    What an amazing book. I love it. I bought the others for each of my kids’ levels. I willl be adding more to our collection.

  56. William Turnpenny

    Everyone teaching or understanding maths should get on board with Dr. Boaler’s thinking.

  57. Jorge E. Garcia

    I liked how author said that everyone is capable of learning and doing math and described the strategy for doing so.

  58. Sarahanne5177

    This book will 100% help you transform your teaching. We used them this summer to supplement Eureka Math and give students in our district a better math experience. If you haven’t looked into Jo’s other math resources such as youcubed, it’s an absolute must! I implemented many of these lessons in my classroom this year, and I was impressed with how much my students not only grew, but learned to love math as well!

  59. Cindy M

    I got this at the end of last school year and I picked out 3 lessons to do before the end of the year. The math talk and math thinking I got from my students was better than I expected. We will be using this much more in the coming school year.

  60. Susan Randall

    Every time I hear about kids who think they’re bad at math, I recommend this book to their parents. And Limitless Mind too. We discount kids way too quickly these days, and Dr. Boaler provides the guidance we need to start validating and supporting them.

  61. libellule

    Very repetitive- drives home the point that we need more number sense in our math teaching and less memorizing rules- more hands on and multidimensional approaches. More real world problems. Some good ideas for such activities.

  62. Stephanie Alston

    The book gives great insight on how to change one’s thinking about math.

  63. Rayna Cooper

    Was hoping it would be more helpful.

  64. Tim K

    A lot of good practices and mindset shifts for educators and students.

    I highly recommend “Building Thinking Classrooms” for further study

  65. HT

    I don’t like how these math activities get reused in multiple books. I understand the argument for it, but it feels kinda lazy at the end of the day.

  66. Kristen Ramsay

    Big fan of Jo Boaler and this way of looking at math. I have multiple grade levels of this series and they provide quality lessons that allow students to build mathematical understanding rather than just absorbing it when presented by an educator.

  67. Dorothy

    This a good book for Math teachers and parents of students struggling in Math.

  68. Ace of Comics

    Excellent delivery!

  69. Shelley Storaska

    This is an excellent resource to plan interactive, engaging activities to help students develop number sense. The activities provide many different answers allowing students to develop critical thinking skills.

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