An Introduction to Systems Biology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)

(5 customer reviews)

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Praise for the first edition:

… superb, beautifully written and organized work that takes an engineering approach to systems biology. Alon provides nicely written appendices to explain the basic mathematical and biological concepts clearly and succinctly without interfering with the main text. He starts with a mathematical description of transcriptional activation and then describes some basic transcription-network motifs (patterns) that can be combined to form larger networks. – Nature

[This text deserves] serious attention from any quantitative scientist who hopes to learn about modern biology … It assumes no prior knowledge of or even interest in biology … One final aspect that must be mentioned is the wonderful set of exercises that accompany each chapter. … Alon’s book should become a standard part of the training of graduate students. – Physics Today

Written for students and researchers, the second edition of this best-selling textbook continues to offer a clear presentation of design principles that govern the structure and behavior of biological systems. It highlights simple, recurring circuit elements that make up the regulation of cells and tissues. Rigorously classroom-tested, this edition includes new chapters on exciting advances made in the last decade.


  • Includes seven new chapters
  • The new edition has 189 exercises, the previous edition had 66
  • Offers new examples relevant to human physiology and disease

5 reviews for An Introduction to Systems Biology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)

  1. Radu Angelescu

    It is a very good book. Very well written, everything is clearly illustrated and presented. It makes a tough subject easy to follow

  2. Skip

    I have had the first edition for years and welcome this new edition. The updates and added material have extended the explanations that the author has developed for this important field of study. This book along with the class room youtube presentations make an excellent combination to learning about Systems Biology.

  3. Mark Saroufim

    I mean the whole premise behind this book is nuts.

    At a high level, even elementary cells seem to have behavior programmed into them and while a biologist may do many experiments to confirm these behaviors. The engineer’s perspective would be to confirm how cells work by using them to build small programs instead of using circuits.

    Most fun I’ve had reading a biology book ever.

  4. Nicholas E. Yoder

    There are a few books that can be consider THE BOOK for their field. This is absolutely the defining book for transcription factor networks and the mathematics of systems biology.

  5. JFV

    you can see the course on You-tube and use the book to follow along. Best ever for this topic!

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